CaringBand – 2019
The power of community can be immense; and never better directed than to the care of others. CaringBand is a wearable device and app that connects anyone going through a challenging time with the people who love them. Messages of encouragement sent with the CaringBand app light up the wearable bracelet of those in need with instantaneous encouragement. The simplified one-way communication gives a boost to the recipient’s day without adding any burden of reciprocation. CaringBand aims to improve the health outcomes of those in need using the strength of their community.

When you’re not feeling well, knowing that your community has your back is very comforting. But you also need to focus on recovery – and feeling like you have to reply can be a source of anxiety. Equally, it can be hard to know what to say to someone who’s ailing, to the point that you don’t say anything at all. CaringBand believes that contemporary forms of communication fail to address this social dynamic. Their solution is to simplify. Pre-written notes can be sent from well-wishers to recipients wearing Caring Band devices. The wearable has no screen that needs checking – only a soft vibration and pulse of light as messages of encouragement. The face of the band serves as a button for snoozing messages.
When you’re not feeling well, knowing that your community has your back is very comforting. But you also need to focus on recovery – and feeling like you have to reply can be a source of anxiety. Equally, it can be hard to know what to say to someone who’s ailing, to the point that you don’t say anything at all. CaringBand believes that contemporary forms of communication fail to address this social dynamic. Their solution is to simplify. Pre-written notes can be sent from well-wishers to recipients wearing Caring Band devices. The wearable has no screen that needs checking – only a soft vibration and pulse of light as messages of encouragement. The face of the band serves as a button for snoozing messages.

From the outset, we worked closely with electronic engineers to determine the minimum size possible for the device. The goal was to create a design with very minimal presence that a wide range of people would enjoy wearing. With estimated power draws and desired battery life decided, we developed proportions to match the product strategy. The electronic housing strikes a balance between functionality and a slim overall profile. The result is a product that resembles a sport band more than smart watch.

CaringBand believe that cost should not exclude those in need from the soothing powers of good will. The brand strategy set forth aggressive price targets for the device. While contemporary in terms of connectivity, we made careful design decisions to keep unit cost low while delivering the core experience. The housing is assembled from two halves, and the internal components are easily installed.

We helped CaringBand bridge the gap to manufacturing with a build of 100 units. This pilot build had design tweaks to make it easier to prototype with a urethane casting process. We assembled these units in-house to facilitate a test run with users conducted in the field. With careful planning, transitioning the design to full production was seamless, earning CaringBand a host of early adopters and brand advocates and producing valuable feedback for the product before launch.