Gitit — 2023
The game of fetch is as ancient as the connection to our furry canine friends. It’s hard to put a new spin on a classic, but Gitit were up to the challenge. Our client came to us with the concept of a ring and thrower system to get owners throwing farther and their dogs excited to chase. Existing throwers propel relatively lightweight balls that achieve most of their distance in the air. Gitit’s ring maintains more momentum and does the majority of its travelling rolling and hopping along the ground, which more actively stimulates dog’s chase response. We developed the ring and thrower as well as the name and branding for Gitit.

Designing across diverse product categories requires an adaptable problem solving process that cannot be distilled into a one-size-fits-all formula. We take the needs of each project into careful consideration. In this case, the highly dynamic and physical nature of the product made jumping into rough physical mockups early a very fruitful endeavor. Using parts from existing analogues, we tested a range of configurations including ring sizes and shore values, thrower length and thickness, and grabber orientation and release points. Moving into design on the computer, we honed and validated CAD with a series of urethane-cast prototypes to simulate the behavior of production parts.

As the main product touch point, the handle was a critical area of focus during development. We worked through many variants of shape and size, 3d printing each for analysis. The refined design is a balance of broad comfort for different hand sizes, affordance signaling to indicate correct orientation of grip, and manufacturing considerations.
As the main product touch point, the handle was a critical area of focus during development. We worked through many variants of shape and size, 3d printing each for analysis. The refined design is a balance of broad comfort for different hand sizes, affordance signaling to indicate correct orientation of grip, and manufacturing considerations.

Crucial to the product’s success were the throwing characteristics. We iteratively refined the behavior with successive prototypes to tune the flex of the arm, force of ring release, and the release point along the arc of throw. Our primary challenge was to find the perfect mix of throw distance and accessibility so that anyone could grab the design and have fun, regardless of strength or size.

Unlike other dog toy throwers, Gitit’s ring rolls along the ground. This rolling and jumping along the terrain bestows much of the personality to play that drives dogs wild for the chase. But all that rolling would be detrimental to getting good distance if not for tremendous top spin imparted to the ring as it exits the grabber. We shaped the surfaces that surround the ring to do just that.

Unlike other dog toy throwers, Gitit’s ring rolls along the ground. This rolling and jumping along the terrain bestows much of the personality to play that drives dogs wild for the chase. But all that rolling would be detrimental to getting good distance if not for tremendous top spin imparted to the ring as it exits the grabber. We shaped the surfaces that surround the ring to do just that.

We designed the Gitit Ring to enable the best play experience. For consistent release from the thrower, we kept the outside surfaces of the ring smooth. To add visual and tactile interest, the interior surfaces feature debossed ribs. Loading a potentially slobbery ring into the thrower had to be a hands-free action. Tabs along the perimeter protrude just enough to get purchase with your foot and flip the ring upright for insertion into the thrower.

In addition to designing the product, we also assisted our client in selecting a name and developing the visual identity. Our search for a name began with an appreciation for the kinetic personality of the product. The motion of throwing, the thrill of the chase, and the energy of the ring as it evades capture all served to elicit and inspire active sounds. We sought a name that was fun to say and evocative of play. The result of our ideation, “Gitit” is unique, phonetically natural, and an active and familiar phrase for dog owners. The letterforms of the logo are friendly, energetic, and similar in shape to the product itself. To further associate the ring’s behavior with the source of its inspiration, we developed a characterful bunny icon whose playful expression seems almost to be inviting pursuit.

We also developed retail packaging for two product SKUs – the complete set, and a replacement ring. Being an innovative design, clear messaging was vital to quickly relate the essence of the product to the customer. A reverse side further details play and shows tips and tricks. The very physical nature of the toy made presenting the thrower and ring at the forefront and accessible for in-store tactility an important factor, rather than encasing it in packaging.