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Sharper Image Realtouch Eye Mask – 2022

We worked closely with Sharper Image to create a sleek and comfortable massaging eye mask. The Eye Mask provides relief from tension with heated massage cycles and built-in sound therapy. Pneumatic pads target specific zones and piezo elements supply either warming or cooling touch. Our primary design challenge was fitting multiple technologies within a slim envelope. We also needed a tactile interface with intuitive controls that could be operated without the use of sight.


We began the project by establishing a framework of ergonomic and human factors guidelines. This informed our ideative form exploration. With numerous concepts we could consider user experience, mechanical engineering and constraints, manufacturing and costing implications, and aesthetics relative to the brand portfolio. Weighing these elements, the team narrowed down to a compelling concept which we then developed and refined, working with the engineering and product development partners at Sharper Image. The resulting design is expressive of the brand DNA; a harmonious integration of form and function.
